Encounter your soul...

You are currently in a transitional phase, or you may be seeking to truly find yourself and undergo personal development, perhaps even experiencing a unique spiritual journey.


In that case, a Dark Retreat is exactly what you need.


You will spend 24 hours in dark rooms, having a special time with yourself and your soul. Finally, no more distractions from the outside world.


Just time for yourself! Finally, regeneration!


For this, you will receive professional and experienced guidance, high-quality organic whole foods, and optional guided meditations as well as integration work.


Immerse yourself in the transformative world of the Dark Retreat! In darkness, you not only sharpen your extrasensory perception but also gain profound insights into your innermost being.


Experience intense dreams, reflect on personal issues, and ignite new impulses, comparable to a germination process for seeds.


This time in darkness opens up visions for a new career start or a fresh phase of life. Discover the powerful effect of darkness to overcome crises strengthened and full of inspiration.


Your heart will open up for a unique journey of self-discovery. The longer you stay, the more intense your extrasensory abilities become – the heart, the pineal gland, and the third eye gain significance.


Become the observer of your life and consciously transform your personality through this unique change of perspective.


In our Dark Retreat, you shape your own time – whether it's through meditation, yoga, or simply being present. Let darkness become the source of your inner peace and self-discovery.


Book now and experience a unique journey of transformation in the Dark Retreat!

When is it particularly advisable to conduct a Dark Retreat?

A Dark Retreat can be beneficial for individuals in various stages of life, but there are specific times when it can be particularly effective:


1. Transitional Phases:


Transitional periods, such as after completing a life phase, before embarking on a new career path, or during a personal crisis, can be ideal opportunities for a Dark Retreat.


The intensive time spent in darkness can help gain clarity and emerge stronger from the transitional phase.


2. Self-discovery and Personal Development:


For those seeking more self-understanding or wanting to delve deeper into their personal development, a Dark Retreat can offer valuable insights and realizations.


It can help detach from external influences and focus entirely on the inner world.


3. Burnout Prevention and Stress Reduction:


Individuals experiencing chronic stress or burnout can benefit from a Dark Retreat as it allows for an intensive period of relaxation and rejuvenation.


The absence of visual stimuli and external distractions can help calm the mind and experience deep relaxation.


4. Spiritual Exploration and Development:


For those on a spiritual quest or seeking to enhance their spiritual growth, a Dark Retreat can be a transformative experience.


The darkness can aid in deepening spiritual experiences and establishing a deeper connection to inner sources of wisdom.


Overall, a Dark Retreat is suitable for anyone seeking profound self-awareness, spiritual growth, stress reduction, or personal transformation.


It's essential for participants to be open and willing to embrace the experience and challenges of darkness.

What do you receive in the dark room?

- Deep self-awareness:

Through the absence of visual stimuli, you can fully focus on your inner thoughts and emotions, leading to a deeper self-awareness.


- Strengthening of intuition:

Darkness fosters the development of your intuitive abilities, allowing you to hear and understand your inner voice more clearly.


- Stress reduction and relaxation:

The dark retreat provides an ideal environment to reduce stress and experience profound relaxation, as you can completely detach

from external distractions.


- Promotion of creativity:

Darkness can stimulate creativity and help you generate new ideas and overcome creative blockages.


- Spiritual growth:

Through the intense time in darkness, you can have spiritual experiences and connect with higher levels of consciousness, leading to deeper spiritual growth.


- Improved sleep quality:

Many participants report improved sleep quality after the dark retreat, as they have learned to relax better and find inner peace.


- Clarification of life goals:

Darkness allows you to focus on essential life goals and gain clarity about what truly matters in life.


- Stronger connection to oneself and others:

By engaging deeply with yourself, you can also deepen your relationships with others and build a more authentic connection with them.

What do the participants say?

Karlijn Kouwenhoven (Monday, 29 April 2024 20:02)


The 6 nights in the darkness were a memorable experience.


I felt very much taken care of by the delicious daily meals (a daily explosion of abundance), the family around (powerful support by Mela too), the carefully hand-built darkness house (by Alexandre himself), their years of experience with meditation/darkness and the thorough guidance in the evenings.


Alexandre gently and patiently supported me in some deep regressions and integration experiences.


This experience gave me valuable insights about my mind, patterns and avoidance, it allowed me to integrate hidden parts of myself (from past life regression to inner child pieces), helped me to face many fears and feel reallly comfortable with them.


I feel more at ease with darkness, silence, darker aspects of myself and a deeper anchoring to my center, soul and body. Highly recommended!


Thank you so much!

With a lot of love, K


Anne De Maeyer (Tuesday, 23 April 2024 20:44)


Unique experience in the darkness…


Thanks to the great guidance of Alexandre, I got more and more in touch with my inner struggles. I felt safe in the environment and I can really recommend this experience. With Alex as a guide/coach, you are in great hands! The food was delicious. I feel love and gratitude.



Simone Blöcker (08. April 2024)



The special tranquility of darkness stays with me...


Since yesterday, I have been reflecting on five intense, challenging, and very enriching days. Following an impulse with relatively little information, I booked the dark retreat. What I experienced surpassed my expectations in the highest and best sense.


The mindful and loving guidance from Alexandre brought forth things I had long missed. Absolute trust, inner peace, love in its purest form. I felt literally like in the womb: sheltered, cared for, nourished. The meals were the absolute highlight every day; I couldn't see them, but I felt, tasted, and sensed how lovingly they were prepared. Everything was of high quality and extremely tasty.


Eating in the dark was a very intense and enriching experience for me. Both Alexandre and his wife, along with their children, made me feel welcome, safe, and protected from the beginning.


Through Alexandre's competent and very mindful, empathetic guidance, these days became an indescribably beautiful time for me, for my soul. I am very happy to have embarked on this journey and to have encountered these people. These five days have felt more like progress to me than years of therapy before.



How does a dark retreat proceed?

Welcome to your Dark Retreat, a time entirely dedicated to self-discovery and personal development. Before booking your Dark Retreat, we'll have a brief conversation to get to know each other and address all your questions.


Together, we'll determine the duration of the retreat and ensure it's the right fit for you.


We count in nights, as with booking a hotel room.


Arrival from 4:00 PM - Beginning of the initial ritual in the dark at 8:00 PM on day 1.

Departure into daylight at 9:00 AM on the last day. Checkout by 12:00 PM.


Once 30% of the fee is deposited, a spot will be reserved for you. Three days before the retreat begins, I'll contact you again by phone. On the afternoon of the first day, you'll arrive at the Retreat Center, allowing you to settle in gradually.


We'll provide you with an evening meal, and then we'll proceed to your rooms together. Once you've extinguished the candle, your retreat officially begins. We'll start with a protection ritual and a guided "inner light" meditation.


You'll receive three meals a day. For breakfast, you'll pour yourself cereal, oat milk, yogurt, fruit, and jam, which are available in your individual kitchen. We'll quietly bring your warm lunch to your accommodation, along with dinner.


Your guide will visit you once a day for about an hour, bringing their extensive knowledge and experience to reflect on the day with you. If desired, guided meditations can be conducted to support the process.


Integration work is another essential tool that helps us integrate the parts revealed during the day and ensure you remain centered.


Here are some activities that can be carried out during your Dark Retreat:

- **Meditation:** A central practice to calm the mind and establish a deeper connection with the inner self.

- **Yoga:** A valuable addition to harmonize the body and mind and promote mental clarity.

- **Breathing exercises:** Practices like Vipassana Meditation help regulate breathing and deepen relaxation to dwell in the present moment.

- **Creative activities:** Time for artistic expressions such as writing, drawing, or playing music to stimulate creativity and find new inspirations.

- **Self-reflection:** Darkness provides space for profound self-reflection and exploration of personal and spiritual matters.

- **Rest and relaxation:** Simply enjoy the silence and darkness to relax, recharge, and focus on yourself.


The program is extremely flexible; you have essentially earned your freedom!!!


You can live according to your own needs, whether it's staying calm, doing physical exercises, being silent, singing or screaming, meditating, or eating.


Visits from friends are allowed as long as you remain in darkness the entire time. The most important thing is to use the time in the Dark Retreat to discover yourself and continue developing.

The guidance"

As an experienced coach and guide for darkness, I have independently conducted two long retreats over the years and have been regularly accompanying people on their inner journeys for the past four years.


My focus is on ensuring that my clients are in a safe environment where they can fully open up and explore their innermost thoughts and feelings.


Every evening, I am personally present in the space for about 1 hour to accompany the process, reflect on the day, and together with you, assess what is currently present, what issues can be addressed, and what may come up the next day.


Of course, I am also there for emergencies.


Learn more about me...

The accommodation

Our newly built small apartment, the 'Oasis of Tranquility', surrounded by old trees, offers a harmonious ambiance. The clay plaster and wall heating create an optimal indoor climate for relaxation and inner work.


Our artistically designed apartment meets the highest building biology standards. Thanks to modern technology, it remains pleasantly cool in summer and warm and dry in winter. The ventilation system ensures fresh air, while the annex provides a quiet environment away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


The apartment is completely darkened for your Dark Retreat, so that no light can penetrate. Additionally, the apartment is very well insulated with triple-glazed windows, providing unusual silence.


Step inside and experience the perfection of sustainable living – your own separate oasis of security.

The catering

During the DunkelRetreat, the catering is carefully curated. 


At lunchtime, a balanced, organic vegetarian or vegan meal prepared by myself, rich in raw food, is provided once a day. 


Breakfast is self-prepared and includes a selection of fruits and muesli. Dinner is brought along with lunch. 


The water available throughout the day is filtered by a Bestwater system to ensure the highest quality. Additionally, tea is always available to make your stay comfortable.


The duration and the cost

We recommend spending five days in darkness to have a comprehensive initial retreat experience. Of course, the durations can be adjusted individually, and one can stay in darkness for shorter or longer periods.


Extended retreats range from 10, 21 days to even 49 days.


The price for a five-day dark retreat is €950, inclusive of meals, guidance, and accommodation.


For longer durations, I can provide you with a customized offer.

Inspirare 1:1 Soul Coaching Darkretreat: Begegne deine Seele

Inspirare DarkRetreat in Mühlenstrasse 22, 27367 Stuckenborstel

 meals half (advice)or full board and guidance (approximately 1 hour per day).

Emergency bell 

950,00 €

  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the premises completely darkened?


Yes, the premises are fully and securely darkened, ensuring that no light can penetrate into the room.


Do you spend the whole day in the dark?


Yes, participants spend 24 hours in absolute darkness to support the uninterrupted process and achieve its effects.


Can my retreat last longer or shorter than 5 days?


Yes, of course, the retreat can range from one day up to 49 days. Experienced monks even spend years in total darkness. It's important to have a good feeling about the duration chosen to avoid being under or overwhelmed.

However, our minimum amount for a 1:1 Coaching dark retreat is €950.



Is there psychological support?


It depends on what is meant by psychological support. We are not a psychiatric facility and are not affiliated with any association, yet we are experienced and trained guides. Our experience allows us to carefully support and accompany participants. However, it's important to emphasize that participants enter the world of darkness at their own responsibility. Guides are responsible for the framework.


Where exactly are the rooms located?


The rooms are located at Mühlenstraße 22, 27367 Stuckenborstel, and are attached to an extension of our single-family house. This provides you with privacy while not being entirely alone.


Is pre- and post-retreat support available?


Yes, we maintain contact before and after the retreat via chat or phone. A conversation is scheduled three days before and one week after the retreat.


What do I need to bring?


You don't need to bring anything special. Comfortable clothing, slippers, and perhaps your own blanket or pillow. We have everything else on site, just like a holiday apartment.


How can I pour myself tea without burning myself?


We have hot water dispensers that are very easy to use and free from burn risk.


How can I manage to eat or shower in the dark?


It works wonderfully! In the dark, you are much more attentive than in your daily life. Every movement is conscious, and participants manage to do much more in the dark than they ever thought possible. So you will manage too.


I am afraid of bumping into things in the dark. How can I avoid it?


Bumps are very rare, if not almost nonexistent. In the dark, you are very mindful, and your hands always guide you. Eventually, your intuition can even lead you, and you won't bump into anything. Additionally, we ensure that the apartment remains safe.

Do you have questions?

Please follow this link …


I am happy to answer you!

If a dark retreat is too extreme for you, take a look at our 1:1 coaching silent retreat…